The Artist
Leo Augustine Donaghy
Born in Dublin in 1955, Leo travelled to England to study art in 1974. Following a Foundation Course at the Wirral Metropolitan College, he went on to obtain a BA(Hons) degree at John Moore’s University, Liverpool. More recently he has studied at the Slade School of Art in London.
Leo works from his studio in Shropshire, painting in many media and designing for clients. He collaborates with interior designers on projects ranging from small trompe l’oeil to large scale murals - the largest being 72 ft by 7 ft around a private swimming pool.
His painting is informed by everything that in some way provokes the senses. He expresses this by drawing and sketching small thumb nails. He then likes to ‘grow the work’ in scale. In some cases a word, or a split-second thought while reading, is conveyed into paintings. ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ by Ernest Hemmingway provided such inspiration for a collection of paintings and drawings. This was also linked to time spent by the sea in Anglesey, North Wales and childhood experiences in Ireland. At times in life ones spirituality is awakened and, at others, it is completely dormant. Leo is never really sure how these ‘fleeting moments’ are going to be expressed in his work until he starts to put paint to canvas.
Exhibitions & Events:
Exhibition at The Willow Gallery, Oswestry 2013
House & Gardens Exhibition London; Decorex Exhibition London.
Local exhibitions in Cheshire; Artist in residence Cheshire Clergy Conference Derby.
Student’s exhibitions in collaboration with local charities.
Leading painting courses in Corsica, Spain, France, Italy & Maryland USA.
Exhibits and Exhibitions at: Moreton Hall Shropshire; Canary Wharf London;
Down to a Fine Art Cheshire; Portland Library Gallery Manchester; Plas Glyn a Wyddo Gwynedd; Mickerloo gallery Cheshire.
Murals and Trompe l’oiel in private homes.